
Last update: 2nd of April 2024


For safety and insurance reasons, the accessibility to the gym is possible only to attend the courses and not by yourself. It is not an open space.

For the moment, due to new safety regulations, all activities in the gym are suspended.


Don't forget to join our Telegram channel!



Trainer: Nina Javerzat (info:

Yoga is a very old and vast system of practices, born in India and much later adopted in various forms all over the world.
In the sessions at SISSA we will focus on the physical part of the yoga practice, the asanas, designed to bring the body and the mind to a relaxed and peaceful state, the basis for meditation.
My teaching style is fluid and dynamic, inspired from Vinyasa yoga, and incorporates relaxation and meditation techniques. To come to the classes you only need comfortable clothes which allow you to move freely. You can either bring your own mat or use the ones available in the gym.

Schedule: Wednesdays 6PM-7:30PM

For the moment, this class is full.



Trainer: Riccardo Rozza (info:

Aikido is a Japanese martial art derived from ancient samurai fighting techniques. Initially dedicated to Japanese army training, it is now widely spread and appreciated due to the combination of gentle, harmonic movements with a vigorous self-defense system. It comprises empty hand and weapon-based techniques and allows you to challenge and improve yourself mentally and physically.

Initial requirements for the lessons: iust your standard fitness equipment, better with long trousers. Neither jewelry nor shoes are allowed on the tatami.
Advanced requirements: a normal keikogi, which is readily available in any sport shop (e.g. Decathlon).

When and where: Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30 - 8:00 PM, at SISSA gym



L’Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica KenYuShinKan Dojo, dedita alla pratica e alla divulgazione delle arti marziali tradizionali giapponesi, propone una convenzione per gli iscritti al SISSA Club per i suoi corsi di iaido e kenjutsu.
Questa consiste in uno sconto del 25% sulle quote previste per la frequentazione del corso di iaido e kenjutsu per la durata di un anno.
La convenzione avrà decorrenza dalla data di inizio pratica dell'iscritto.
Schedule: mercoledì dalle 18.15 alle 20.15 in via Valmaura 57/A.
Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili al sito internet del KenYuShinKan Dojo:



Trainer: Liuba Koneva

Private lessons will take place here.



To attend SISSA Gym courses you have to subscribe to SISSA Club (14 euro including sports insurance).

Please find here the subscription form for the year 2022:


To attend fitness courses you have to provide a medical certificate for non-agonistic uses ("certificazione di buona salute sportiva non agonistica").
This is not required for online courses.